Unboxing Videos

Capture the delight of opening your product for the first time with unboxing video services.

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Unboxing Videos FAQs

What is an unboxing video?

An unboxing video is a brief video that showcases someone unpacking a product for the first time. The unboxer shows their reactions in real time, giving your potential customers an idea of what it will be like to receive your products. The unpacking process provides a chance to showcase the benefits of a product, and unboxing videos have become popular videos.

What should be included in an unboxing video?

The best unboxing videos include the whole process of opening up the shipping package and then opening up each individual product. Whether you’re unboxing new toys, cell phones, or any other product, it’s important to include clear shots of the product. A video should also include the unboxer’s reactions and first thoughts about each product.

Are unboxing videos still popular?

Absolutely. Unboxing videos showcase everything from Apple iPhones to the most popular Lego toys to the hottest new gadgets. Each time a new or popular product rolls out, there’s an opportunity to create a new unboxing video. These videos are frequently shared on social media, where they can get millions of video views.

Can you make money doing unboxing videos?

Influencers who have large amounts of subscribers can earn money for doing unboxing videos. In addition to getting free samples and access to new products, influencers can charge companies fees for these videos.

Can you do unboxing videos on YouTube?

A YouTube channel is the perfect place to house unboxing videos. Many YouTubers specialize in creating these videos, and YouTube is a reliable hosting platform. YouTube videos are also easy to share on other social media platforms to increase your reach.*

*Upwork is not affiliated with and does not sponsor or endorse any of the tools or services discussed in this section. These tools and services are provided only as potential options, and each reader and company should take the time needed to adequately analyze and determine the tools or services that would best fit their specific needs and situation.

What’s the point of unboxing videos?

Product unboxing videos give your audience a chance to see all of the details, pros, and cons of an item before deciding if they’re ready to purchase. These videos are powerful marketing for ecommerce businesses, where buyers don’t have a chance to see items in a store before buying them.

How do you make a good unboxing video?

To create a good unboxing video, focus on quality. Ensure that you’re in good lighting, and get close-ups of the products during the process. You can also review some popular unboxing videos for inspiration. Be sure to let your excitement shine—unboxing is like opening presents! Finally, write a video description that includes keywords for SEO benefits to help drive viewers to your video.